To help you navigate the vast amount of information available on the internet, we are happy to provide the following list of trusted links for interesting and educational postings related to pets and their care.
Useful and Recommended Products:
DogWatch Fencing
Kong Toy
Gentle Leader Collar
Travel with your pets (domestic):
Fido Friendly Magazine
Pet Friendly Travel Guide
USDA APHIS requirements listed by country (foreign travel info)
Careers in Veterinary Medicine:
Veterinary Technician
Veterinary School Admission 101
Dog License:
Pet Loss Support:
Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
How Do I Know When it’s Time?
For Cat Owners: Feline Resource Center
Other Related links:
Veterinary Partner by Veterinary Information Network
American Animal Hospital Association
American Board of Veterinary Practitioners
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
American Kennel Club
Agility Information
American Veterinary Medical Association
Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
Center for Veterinary Medicine- U.S. FDA
Cornell Feline Health Center