Emergency Preparedness

Wait! If you think you may be experiencing an emergency, click to read about Emergency Care Options>

We are a one doctor practice and our clients appreciate the continuity of care a small practice can provide. To provide breadth and depth of expertise, we routinely consult on with specialists from the Veterinary Information Network (a web-based community of specialists and general practitioners), our reference laboratory, and referral practices in the area. This provides the highest quality of veterinary care for your pet. We genuinely look forward to caring for your pet in the years to come and getting to know you both better.

Vetcetera is open 9am to 6pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Wednesday is our surgery day and, typically, only sick or emergency appointments are worked in. We are open from 11am to 6pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Office hours are by appointment. It is simply not possible for a practice of our size to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have learned from experience that when the veterinarian and staff keep work and family time balanced, the result is an increased passion and focus on our work. This ultimately benefits our clients and patients. Therefore, like the majority of veterinary practices today, we utilize a separate emergency service for the night, weekend, and holiday shifts.

On the main emergency tab/page you will find a list of emergency facilities available to you. Some specific services are listed for each one. It is important to take into consideration the entire number of services and capabilities of the emergency facility when deciding which one to use. We encourage you to look into each hospital BEFORE you need one so you are familiar with them. This will make your decision easier in the face of a true emergent situation. In general, it is better to use a veterinary emergency facility shared with a specialty practice. Complex cases needing a specialist’s care can be transferred directly to the specialty service(s) without moving your pet.

In the event your pet is seen at an emergency facility we will keep a close working relationship with the veterinarians who treat your pet. In some cases, your pet may be transferred back to Vetcetera for follow-up care. If your pet must be kept in their critical care facility we will always be available to discuss your pet’s medical condition or your concerns while they are treated.

Though we hope you will never need to use the emergency service, we cannot stress how important it is that you become familiar with the emergency care options BEFORE you need them so you are prepared in the event of an emergency. Please take a few moments to review the options on the main emergency tab. You can visit the website of each practice to learn more.

We recommend you program the emergency facilities (we recommend MORE THAN ONE) you choose into your cell phone/GPS ahead of time. At the very least you should print out directions and phone numbers and keep them someplace where they are readily accessible.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter. We strongly believe that this provision is consistent with our commitment to provide your pet with the best possible care whenever they may need it.

Most Sincerely,

Steven T. Gloates, DVM